Inspired Ember Non Stim Fat Burner


Inspired Ember Non Stim Fat Burner

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  • Regular price $49.95

From a block of pure marble, Michelangelo sculpted David – a piece of art so fine that it has come to define human physiological perfection.

Every detail in place, every proportion fine-tuned to aesthetic excellence. This is the essence of bodybuilding – taking a chisel to our own anatomy and distilling it down to its most ideal form.


Youth is about energy. It's the same vitalistic dynamism that drives the world forward. The issue, in the modern world, is that this energy has been massively eroded – we are flooded constantly with toxins and junk food, threatening to waste our prime years and submit us to decades of a weakened, sedentary existence.

Whereas Michelangelo brought forth his vision of human perfection with a chisel, it has become our duty to bring it forth with our own bodies